Recently, I have been asked to think about how to support students to develop institution about derivatives and antiderivatives in ways that connect to algebraic manipulations. I find it hard to do so, because most activities I think about develop institution of the underlying mechanisms that use numerical approaches that I am still not sure how to connect to typical polynomial objects.
Anyway, to start, I thought about line integral. We can ask students to use the Scratch Cat to measure the length of any line. Before starting with Scratch, we can talk about how to measure any lines/curves. One way to do that is to break a line into little line segments and add them up. Students can program the Cat to do that. Then we can talk about how to get the length to a closer approximation of the length. This should help students think about what a line integral means.
I think one way to assess the line integral program is to look at how each iteration of the program moves toward systematicity.
I like the idea of looking at how iterations of the program move towards systematicity, but then how do we keep track of students' iterations? I'm not sure if there's a way to do that in Scratch other than telling kids to copy things to a new project every time they want to make a big change to it. If we're videotaping them, we could obviously go back and watch it later, which works if we're talking about assessing a few kids. But how do we keep track of their iterations/versions for more kids? I think it would be fun to think more about how kids could explore more complex mathematical concepts, like calculus, in Scratch. Or maybe it turns out that Scratch isn't the best format for that, I don't know yet.