Sunday, September 4, 2016

Huang Do these models work?

Modeling with a computer system encourages students to explore problem solving from different levels of analysis. Rather than focusing on the individual turtle, in a model, a student can easily visualize an aggregate of turtles and view their interactions with the environment around them. Indeed, Simpson describes several cases in which students seem to be explaining various concepts at a “higher level”. However, he also notes that the most common limitation while modeling “was that they tended to produce specific rather than general solutions” (Simpson, p 30). Only “over time and with help” were these 13 to 14 year old students able to see the value of the more general case models. Is this limitation inevitable? The sense of self becomes so deeply rooted at a young age. It is only natural that students can envision their behavior as a turtle, but struggle to broaden this knowledge to a group of turtles. Is this the natural order for learning? In other words, is it necessary to think more specifically before being able to generalize those specific situations to all circumstances? And if so, is there is an age limit of when students can start thinking abstractly?

Regardless, Simpson highlights the importance of educators in using these models. Students may be perfectly capable of starting programs on their own, but to debug some of the models, well-trained educators are necessary. For example, Simpson notes that “students had difficulty when first encountering the need to swap the values, but managed to implement a swapping procedure with help from instructors” (Simpson, p 31). Further, educators may be needed to explain phenomena that students observe through these models, but cannot quite explain. Students had trouble seeing the speed of cart1 as a variable instead of a value. The velocity swapping idea in the collision models can also be difficult to understand. “Velocity swapping is more of a consequence than an explanatory theory” (Simpson, p 32), so what is the underlying explanatory theory for why the carts swap velocities, and do the students understand this deeper knowledge? Does using models run the risk of having students understand concepts too simply or superficially without truly understanding the concept?

Finally, this study was conducted with a group of 6 students at a secondary school who volunteered their extracurricular time to be a part of this project. Are there barriers to student learning with models? Does using models to learn, just like any other method of learning, work better for some students than others? Does using models engage more students? Is it possible to make students curious about learning, and do the models achieve this difficult task? I suppose that these are some of the questions that we will begin to answer while we work with students at USN.

Some project ideas:
  • The heart and vasculature and how it functions like a pump and tubes
  • Modeling diabetes as a result of the interactions between insulin, glucagon, and glucose and their relative sensitivities/resistances
  • Clouds/rain and how it forms (I know almost nothing about this topic and don’t really know whether it would fit into a good model, but I think it might be interesting)


  1. Hello Jennifer, after reading your post, I went back to the readings and dig more details, some of which were missed or ignored by myself. I have to say I agree with your idea on questioning the effectiveness of the models, especially in science and mathematic learning, it seems true that sometimes by programming, it makes learning more complicated than what it suppose to be. When you asked"Does models engage more students", I started to give it a second thought, too , it inspired me that I cannot always believe everything true from what I read; placing myself in the students perspective, I find it hard to be engaged in if the I am writing programming or learning from a programmed game with only some red or blue dots. I am not sure if you are saying this, but models or games can not always be the best method for students to learn in mathematics or scientific environment. Perhaps we could discuss more in the class and share some thoughts together. Thnx

  2. True that the task of programming a phenomenon sometimes could be really hard for students and could actually need help of experienced programmer. Much of this issue is related with the capability provided by the programming platform. For an example it would be amply difficult to model multibody collision with scratch. One way to tackle such problem would be to device high level modules (custom blocks in the case of scratch) and to provide those modules to students to minimize programming complexity that they may face. But, I do not agree with the age factor, I would rather see it as the experience factor. For a concept to be syntonic, time is necessary to grow knowledge structure within the learner’s brain. So, a few sudden extracurricular sessions for some volunteering students may not prove the inefficiency of a method. And of course a single targeted set of concept may not attract all the students in a participating cohort. Thus it becomes harder for the teachers to teach a class using the method of constructionism and thinking in level with programming to learn by a set platform of programming, rather the overall school curriculum from the very early age need be evolved against the QWERTY effect to prepare the students in powerful way with time not in a sudden period.

  3. hi! I have a similar question about how to suoport students to understand complexity too. Should students explore the idea of complexxity first and then investigate a particular system in depth, or should they get to know a system really well first and then think about complexity as a class of phenomena. What kind of questions the two different orders of investigations afford?

  4. I really enjoy your discussion on how to use models as a way to produce concrete images of theoretical or less visible concepts. I think that especially for children who learn best through tactile or visual modalities this non-tangible concepts are difficult to fully comprehend. By being able to produce an artifact that demonstrates the complex details of a topic children are better able to understand at a level that moves past the surface.

  5. I really enjoy your discussion on how to use models as a way to produce concrete images of theoretical or less visible concepts. I think that especially for children who learn best through tactile or visual modalities this non-tangible concepts are difficult to fully comprehend. By being able to produce an artifact that demonstrates the complex details of a topic children are better able to understand at a level that moves past the surface.
